Draw The Traffic Back To Your Store After Pandemic


Slowly, the world is moving back to normal even though nothing will truly be like how it was before and we call it a new normal instead to move on. For brick-and-mortar stores, it is time to draw customer back in so they can open business like usual and let their customer safely shop again. Many people are not getting comfortable with online service where they can shop with only few clicks here and there. Hence, it is pretty challenging for you to draw them back in. And here are some things to consider to successfully increase the traffic of your physical store:

Improve your customer service

Today, consumers feel more relatable to brand who deliver impressive customer service, making them feel appreciated and happy. Bringing back customers from the internet world space to your physical store starts with an improve customer service. You don’t have to go for big movements if you cannot afford it yet. Instead, go for small details but matters for your customers such as clean sales area, welcoming smile from staffs, and friendly attitude with professional service.

Offer special discounts

When passing through stores, people tend to get drawn into shop that offer special discount. Hence, this can be a good way for you to increase the traffic of your physical store. Make the discount worth your customer’s struggles to come and visit your store in person. By offering special discounts, your customers might get temped to buy multiple products in one visit. 

Create safe environment for shopping

This pandemic is slowly contained and people start to move back to normal mobility. However, safety and hygiene are still the main concerns. Hence, you need to improve your hygiene protocol. Make sure to make it clear and meet the standard. Keep your cleaning policy during pandemic even if the situation today is getting better. This way, your customers can see how dedicated you are in creating safe environment for them to shop. 

Offer special services for direct visit only

It is such a tempting idea to offer special services that you can only offer through direct visit to your shop. Hence, your customers know that to get it, they have to come and visit your store in person instead. If you also have online platform for your shop, make sure to promote this special offer through it. Hence, people who were about to shop online know about the offer and make their decision. 

Extend opening and closing hours

In some cities and regions, the rules have been loosen up so store can operate regularly. And you can go beyond regular hours. Extend your store opening and closing hours so people can make their own decision of when to visit your store. In this pandemic, many customers like to shop in person with less crowd. Hence, extended store hours offer them opportunity to not get bumped into too many other people. However, always make sure that this plan still align with your local laws so you won’t get any troubles in the future.