Find Out More About Misconceptions Of Being Entrepreneurs


Entrepreneurship is often idyllically pictured through movies, books, and television shows that often lead to misconceptions and far from the truth. There are things of running your own business that sometimes people don’t understand unless they really dive into it. It is just fine to view entrepreneurship as positive goal you aspire to. However, it will be more helpful to be aware of the reality behind so you know what to expect when you decide tostart your entrepreneurial journey. 

Misconceptions you need to know about being an entrepreneur

Starting and running your own business is very inspiring. However, it is not a smooth journey where you can just decide to do it and boom you become a successful business owner in few days. Here are some common misconceptions you nee to learn more about being entrepreneurs:

Entrepreneurs must have perfect balance of work life and personal life

This is one of the common misconceptions about being entrepreneur. The reality is, it is impossible to have perfect balance between two worlds especially when you are one the same person juggling between both. To reach success, sometimes you need to sacrifice many things. Many entrepreneurs use their own strategies to stay physically and mentally healthy taking care of their family while also running their own business. There is no ultimate rule that say you have to know how to juggle both perfectly balance because you can find your own way to accelerate your growth in both worlds. 

You are in total control in everything

This is not entirely true because being the owner of your own business doesn’t make you the ultimate boss. You may be at the top of hierarchy but every decision you make should be discussed and planned together with the people working with you. Your team will be the closest people you can rely on to reach success. What a business leader to is not to become a boss or controlling but empower the team to have a voice and comprehensively understand the importance of their roles. 

Hard works always pays off

This is also a misconception because not every hard work pays off in reality of business world. Sometimes, what you need is not to work hard but work smart to fully gain the best outcomes. Also, hard work can be misunderstood to overworking, which leads to burnout and stress. More important things than hard work are strategies, cash, execution, and the right people. 

Entrepreneurship is only for the extroverts

While it is true that being extrovert in business world can help a lot in building connection, it is not the only thing that guarantee success. Entrepreneurs and business owners are not always charismatic extroverts in reality. They don’t always have the right answer for everything either. Meanwhile, movies and books always portray business owners as those. Entrepreneurship is for everyone from different personalities and interests. You can be quiet and become a successful entrepreneur because what you need is not extroverted personality but a willingness to learn and work hard.